The Season of Lent 2024
Fasting To R.I.S.E.
This year Lent is Wednesday, February 14th- Saturday, March 30th
Lent is the forty-day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the day before Easter Day. We skip Sundays when we count the forty days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection.
The Name:
The name "lent" is a Germanic word that referred to the season of Spring. However, the original Latin translation (quadragesima) of Lent actually means "forty days".
Scriptural Basis for Lent:
Lent owes much of its spirit to the forty days Jesus spent in the desert preparing for his ministry when he was "tested" by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11). The Jewish view of the desert was an abode of demons, and it was in this place that Jesus was offered the opportunity to be the wrong kind of Messiah. He rejected each possibility. For our sake, He was tested so we would know who He was NOT. Jesus did not bribe us with earthly bread (v.3-4),astonish us with feats of invulnerability (v.5-7), nor did He seek world domination or command an army (v.8-9). Jesus simply did the WILL OF THE FATHER(v.10).
Many use abstinence from meat and acts of penance as metaphors during the Lenten season. In a small way, this models the rejection of illusions about what we need, who we are, and who God is. Some give up television, sweets, and a host of others. It is a personal decision that is sacrificial unto God.
During Lent, we abstain from meat on Fridays, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday! This is a time for unification of the entire body of believers. Quite often, our bodily appetites control our actions. The purpose of fasting is to make your bodily appetites your servant rather than your master. However, fasting is not only total abstention from food. In the historic Church, it means a balanced diet so that your animal appetites become a sort of spiritual snooze alarm. "All fasting should be done for God's glory and spiritual growth"! Lenten fasts are not DIETS used to loose weight.